North Shore can be quite sketchy if you are new to the area and that is completely normal. I might sound dramatic but if you are an International student or someone who is just visiting Kamloops for a change in air , you might find the junkies and homeless people of North shore to be quite intimidating and that might lead you to panic and feel unsafe!
I moved from Vancouver to Kamloops for attending in person classes at Thompson Rivers University and due to the housing crisis I had to rent a place in North shore even though that’s not how I wanted to start my semester. On the very first day of moving here , I got to hear a lot of negative things about North Shore and as time passed by I got to understand why North Shore is a bit intimidating to International students and people who are new here.But don’t worry because I got you covered here with 5 important tips which will help you feel more comfortable and safe navigating around in North Shore, especially if you usually travel alone and do not have a personal car.

- Avoid using alleyways and try to navigate your path through a route which has more light.
- When waiting for buses at the North shore exchange or any other bus stop in North shore, try keeping yourself busy; use your phone to talk with somebody or listen to music because the main goal is to pretend that you are busy even if you are not.
- Do not make eye contact with any homeless/junkie you come across; eye contact gives them an indication or chance to come up to you and bug you.
- At night try to avoid the area around the club “Duchess” to stay out of any unwanted hassle/incident.
- Always stay aware if somebody is following you closely while you travel; try changing routes to lose track of that person and call 911 incase of emergency situation.

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